Friday, March 7, 2008

Incubation - Day 11

DW candled our eggs last night. Candling means you turn out all the lights and hold a strong light right up to the egg. You're looking for dark spots inside to indicate the embryo inside is growing like it should. If the egg is completely clear then you know it's a dud.

We saw dark areas in all but 1 egg. We even saw the embryo moving inside the egg. Regina was very excited but it creeped me out a little. Ever seen the movie Aliens? Yeah, it looked like that (to me anyway). So hopefully in 10 days we'll have 16 little chicks added to our brooder.

We also found out we can't get a pig for 7 more weeks. I called the local pig salesman, and he said he didn't have any piglets to sell. His sows usually farrow in January, but he didn't have any this year. He did have some that just farrowed, so their piglets will be weaned and ready to sell in 6-7 weeks.

DW and I also decided to buy a generator. We were thinking the other day that we have probably close to $1000 in food in our refrigerator and freezer. We're coming up on the stormier and warmer months here in out part of Texas when the power goes out the most. A generator is really an insurance policy to protect our investment in food. We'll pick one up next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carrie and Doug have a generator for the same reason. I don't know anything about the one they have except that it is gas powered (of course). You might ask them about prices? Mom