The hay man delivered the hay this weekend, but only brought 4 round bales. He couldn't fit five on his trailer and told me it wouldn't be worth it for him to drive out with only one more. If I want it, I have to go get it with my truck. He offered to bring his big semi-truck with all five bales, but I didn't think it would fit through my gate, so I declined.
Still, the bales looked great, and we were able to get them off the trailer with minimal effort. I was afraid at first that we wouldn't be able to roll them up under the shelter but with the two of us pushing on it, it wasn't too bad. Turning it was a chore, but not impossible. I keep thinking how nice it will be when I have two strong boys to help me out with the manual labor around here.
After he drove off, it suddenly hit me that I had just purchased 2 tons of hay that I had no idea if the cows would eat. If they wouldn't, I'd have four 1000 lb paper weights sitting next to my barn. I wasn't too worried because I figured if they got hungry enough they'd eat it. I cut the netting off the bale and threw some into the feeder. To my delight, they dug right in. They don't eat it with as much enthusiasm as they do the alfalfa, but they're eating it fine. I'm still planning on giving them a little alfalfa every day because it still has good stuff in it they need and it's a nice treat for them. So far I'm happy with them.
I think with a little effort we can fit up to ten round bales under this covering. If we turn them face out, and wedge them side by side, it should be possible. The outside row of bales would be right on the edge of the covering and would still get kind of wet in windy rain storms and would get splattered by water falling off of the roof. The next time my father in law is here I'm going to have him help be bolt a few cross beams between each post and then screw some sheet metal to it to form an outside wall. This will further protect the bales from rain and prevent even more waste. Since my FIL has spare metal perline, and I have spare metal sheeting, the project will probably cost me nothing.
Still, the bales looked great, and we were able to get them off the trailer with minimal effort. I was afraid at first that we wouldn't be able to roll them up under the shelter but with the two of us pushing on it, it wasn't too bad. Turning it was a chore, but not impossible. I keep thinking how nice it will be when I have two strong boys to help me out with the manual labor around here.
After he drove off, it suddenly hit me that I had just purchased 2 tons of hay that I had no idea if the cows would eat. If they wouldn't, I'd have four 1000 lb paper weights sitting next to my barn. I wasn't too worried because I figured if they got hungry enough they'd eat it. I cut the netting off the bale and threw some into the feeder. To my delight, they dug right in. They don't eat it with as much enthusiasm as they do the alfalfa, but they're eating it fine. I'm still planning on giving them a little alfalfa every day because it still has good stuff in it they need and it's a nice treat for them. So far I'm happy with them.
I think with a little effort we can fit up to ten round bales under this covering. If we turn them face out, and wedge them side by side, it should be possible. The outside row of bales would be right on the edge of the covering and would still get kind of wet in windy rain storms and would get splattered by water falling off of the roof. The next time my father in law is here I'm going to have him help be bolt a few cross beams between each post and then screw some sheet metal to it to form an outside wall. This will further protect the bales from rain and prevent even more waste. Since my FIL has spare metal perline, and I have spare metal sheeting, the project will probably cost me nothing.
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