After removing sheet metal last weekend to put a wall up on our barn's overhang, I casually mentioned to my wife that my FIL and I had spotted a mouse with babies underneath the pile of metal. I should have known better. My wife LOVES baby animals, and raised mice in college just for fun. I still remember the time one of the mice got out of its cage in her car. A month later I was rifling through some papers on her floor board and out zooms a mouse. Yikes! I don't know what became of that mouse. It might still reside in that car at the junk yard.
Anyway, after spending 30 minutes scavenging through all that metal, she found 3 mouse babies but could not catch the mother. After refusing to help with the first try, I got sucked in to helping resume the search for the mother. I must really love that woman because I have no desire to have pet mice. We were unsuccessful, so she's trying to nurse the babies and keep them alive. We'll see. She's excited about having the babies because if they know us from a young age, they can be tamed.
As insane as I thought she was being, it sure is cute to see her get so excited about mice.
My wife would be exactly the opposite. She would move that much sheet metal to kill the mouse and the babies.
This post is riddled with inaccuracies!
First of all, she only had three babies.
Second, I didn't raise mice in college just for fun, I did it for a research project for my Animal Behavior class. The fun was just a byproduct.
Also, that baby mouse was only in my car for a few days and then I caught it and put it back in its cage.
Plus, you didn't say anything about how very cute they are! They're just hamsters with tails!
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