I found this news article this morning that was very interesting.
I'm not anti-Catholic, although there are many things about Catholicism that make me scratch my head. I just found this kind of funny. The Vatican has apparently created the "modern 7 deadly sins." The original deadly sins (sloth, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, wrath and pride) are "the sins of yesteryear". The goal is to get people to realize how their sins effect other people. According to the Catholic church (not the Bible, mind you), the "mortal sins" are much more serious than other sins and will land you in Hell if unrepented of before death. Here are the 7 new deadly sins:
1. Genetic modification
2. Carrying out experiments on humans
3. Polluting the environment (Well, driving my car is out so I guess I'm walking home this afternoon)
4. Causing social injustice (that one's a little vague, don't you think?)
5. Causing poverty (Even more vague...how are we defining "poverty"? There are probably quite a few people in India who would LOVE to live just below the poverty line in America)
6. Becoming obscenely wealthy (What is "obscene"? Is there a number involved here? Is $50 million per year obscene or just immodest? Would $200,000 per year be unwholesome? I need more to go off of here.)
7. Taking drugs (I hope they don't mean over the counter drugs, because I took some Motrin when I had the flu)
Seriously though, I'm just poking fun. I know the Catholics mean well, it's just another one of those puzzling things they do. In my mind, it's just man making up more rules. Being rich is never described as a sin in the Bible. Neither is gambling, but both make you vulnerable to greed and materialism, which ARE ACTUAL SINS. Anyway, I couldn't help it. I had to have a little fun with this.
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