Monday, March 17, 2008

This Weekend

This weekend was again busy. There is so much to do outside, but the weather is great this time of year.

Saturday I mowed the rest of the pasture I hadn't gotten to at the end of the summer. It was only about 1 acre, but my lawnmower had gotten flats in both tires. I had them filled with foam so they'll never go flat again. It was a little expensive, but it beats repairing 4-5 flats per year.

I also put a screen door on our back porch. The chickens love to hang out back there and it has been COVERED in chicken poop constantly. Now we can actually keep it clean.

DW and I did a little work in the garden. I've noticed the weeds are beginning their first offensive of the year, and I fully intend on staying ahead of them. Last year they took over the whole garden (mostly because we didn't have a tiller) and it took A LOT of work to get them under control. I don't intend on letting them get a head start on me this year. I'm not going to try to have a weed free garden, I just don't want to let them take over again.

By the way, our chicks hatched on Saturday. We originally set 17, found out 3 were not fertilized and removed them, and hatched 11. I think 11 out of 14 is pretty good. That's a 79% hatch rate. Most cheap incubators can only boast about a 50-60% hatch rate, so we're extremely happy. DW reconfigured the incubator by raising the thermostat a little higher and moving the light bulb higher and to a more central location. The goal was to be able to set more eggs, and have a more even temp throughout the incubator. Hopefully it will improve our hatch rate. She was so excited and hovered over the incubator like a mother hen all day. She couldn't wait, and immediately set 26 more eggs. Her goal is to set three batches and then stop. If you want to see pics of the hatching, check out DW's blog at

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